Soda Lime 3lb Bag, J0553

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Product Description

JorVet soda lime is a high-grade granular product that effectively absorbs carbon dioxide that is produced as an anesthesia by-product. It is a mixture of calcium hydroxide Ca (OH) 2 also known as lime plus a smaller amount of sodium hydroxide NaOH. Upon exposure to carbon dioxideCO2, the calcium hydroxide converts to calcium carbonateCa (CO3). This prevents CO2 buildup in a re-breathing circuit. The sodium hydroxide acts as a catalyst in the process. No potassium hydroxide (KOH) is present in JorVet soda lime; this helps to avoid the formation of toxic compounds such as Compound A and carbonmonoxide. JorVet soda lime has a pH color change indicator that changes from white to violet when the soda lime needs to be changed. It will eventually return to its original color if not changed. Therefore, a good rule of thumb is to replace the soda lime every time the vaporizer is filled.

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