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Three Root Equine Extracting Forceps, On Side 21", J1092

SKU: JOR1092
VENDOR: Jorgensen Laboratories
These forceps have three slightly rounded grasping hooks: Two on the corners of one side and one in the middle of the opposing side. This design gives leverage in removing cheek teeth in older horses with diminished smaller crowns. Also, helps removing premolar caps in extracting the entire deciduous tooth. The two-hook side of the extractor is placed on the outside of the tooth. The side with one hook is placed on the inside. This mimics the anatomical alignment of the tooth roots. So, a three extraction forceps with a two hook on the right side (instrument facing up) and one on the left would be used on the upper left and lower right dental arcades. Also called "off" side. A three root forceps with one hook on the right side and two hooks on the left side would be used on the upper right and lower left dental arcade. Also, called "on" side.
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